The Vivo U10 smartphone comes with 13MP+8MP+2MP AI triple rear camera, 8MP selfie camera, Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 Octa-core processor, 3GB RAM, 32GB internal memory expandable up to 256 GB, 16.15cm (6.35) Halo FullView Display, a massive 5000mAh battery with 18W Fast Charging, and much more.Resolution :1544 * 720 , Wi-Fi :WLAN 2.4G, WLAN 5.1G, WLAN 5.8G,WLAN Display. To take clear photos: Adjust the focus until the picture gets clear when shooting; Try to photograph with sufficient light; Do not shake when you are shooting; In low brightness, use Professional mode(Set S(Shutter speed) as 2-4 seconds) or Night mode(Some phones support it) to take photos. Meanwhile, please keep your phone stable(It is very important); When taking selfies in low brightness, turn on HDR mode(Some phones do not support it); In the dark, turn on Selfie Softlight, Smart Screen Flash or rear flash when taking photos; If the objects easily move on, you can go to Professional mode and adjust ISO to the larger va...